Trail Angst

So, it was an abnormally wonderful March 7 morning, in the sixties at 8:00 a.m., and not too windy yet.  And what would I expect to be thinking about on a trail run the morning of the final group session for my recording project?  I would expect, of course, to be thinking about the song arrangements for the three tunes, locking in the segues, the fills, the lyrics.  I pretty much wrote and arranged all of these songs on the trails, working them out as I ran and then writing it all down back at home.

But that’s not what I was thinking about this morning.  I was instead thinking of missed opportunities.  You know, I’ve been working toward this particular mixture of Beatles/Beach Boys/Nilsson harmony pop and Jelly Roll/Satchmo/Boswell Sisters vintage swing for a couple or three years.  This project is it, and I’m on the verge of maybe figuring out what exactly to do with the finished product–how to get it to the ears that may want to hear it.

But yesterday I got two emails about acts performing in the area, groups doing twenties and thirties music, doing retro torch music, doing vintage close harmony stuff.  And then last night, our slide guitar player mentioned a group of sisters he was intending to see at an area coffee house.  They all play violin, evidently, and sing like The Andrews Sisters. 

Now, I believe these acts are doing covers, and my CD is all original songs.  So it’s still something different, I think.  I’m just not so good at getting things lined out in a way that can get the music out there.  I need others to help me with that.  Problem is, most of them are about like me.

If, say, this project were to get some notice somewhere, that would be marvy.  I just hope it’s not behind some curve by then.  “Oh, everyone’s doing that thirties backroom swing sound.  Where you been?”  Ah, I wasn’t gonna worry about that kind of stuff any more–now that I’m an old guy.  I’ll get past it.  I’m past it now.  The session went great, the project’s almost complete, and I am happy to have done it, regardless of who ever hears it.

And tomorrow morning, I’ll have a nice trail run and think only about the songs for the next project…

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